Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Made a Dr.'s Appointment!

So, being fairly new to the Canadian health care system, I haven't had much of an idea where to start at. Obviously a provincial health card is the first step, and mine will be coming in the mail soon, active January 1st.

I've had a great resource in a friend, she knows a few doctors and is familiar with the almost rat race that happens once word gets out a good doctor is accepting new patients. She spoke with one of her Dr. friends, and this Dr. referred me to Health For All, a clinic that opened last year in Markham.

In her email she said:
I would recommend she go to Health for All, which is a Family Health Team right beside Markham Stouffville Hospital which just opened last year and is accepting new patients. They are associated with the University of Toronto and she will get excellent care there. They will likely refer her to one of the Rheumatologist’s associated with the hospital about her Behςet’s disease.

She even spelled it with the accent!

I've set up my appointment just now, and I have a scheduled meet and greet on January 11th. I will definitely update on how this appointment goes!

Just an FYI when looking for a doctor: There is a website with the premise of Rate My Doctor, much like rate my professor, which I think could be a great resource when trying to get an idea of who's compassionate, who's an arse, and who can really be of benefit to you with your disease and treatment.

There is also a Canadian one and a more specific one for each province.

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