Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2

Last night, and worse this morning, I was so stiff. Like, difficult to roll out of bed -stiff. Still quite still now, so today is a slow moving kind of day.

Just some history: On the 20th I saw my rheumatologist for the first time. I was asked a barrage of questions by the nurse, and I remember one being if I woke up stiff, and how long it lasts: minutes, hours, all day? I said hours. It's always kind of difficult to answer these questions, because there's the When I'm Flaring answer, and the When I'm OK answer. I wasn't flaring at the time, but I started on Friday, thanks to Thanksgiving stress (sigh).

Also to note: my Rheumy prescribed me Colchicine to treat my symptoms. I started that yesterday; it took me a while to man-up and brave the side effects listed. Currently I'm experiencing the diarrhea listed, and I'm hoping the alopecia stays at bay.

Things I want to know:
- Good Rheumy in Toronto for Behcet's
- What sort of supplements can I take to help with my ability to metabolize vitamins and essential minerals/proteins etc. since the Colchicine inhibits my body's ability to do that, and my body was already having trouble digesting salads.

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