Friday, December 16, 2011

Gastro problems, and Alcopecia starting?

Hi there, been a long week. Had a final Monday night, which I think I did okay on, although I could have started studying earlier. It's been a fairly long week, but I managed to find time and energy to dye my hair on Wednesday. It took a while, and I had a lot of hand, arm and shoulder pain by the end of it, but it's done.

I've almost completely lost my appetite, starting a bit last weekend. On Sunday I did the usual "I'm not hungry, but I should eat." My lunch passed through me in about 6 hours. I'm never eating tomato soup again, let me tell you! It's unnerving. But this movement was more like diarrhea, having bouts and burning, where as most of the time it's more like having a normal BM. Needless to say, I felt a bit too sick to study much that night.

Monday I started having some really odd stomach cramps, which I've never had before. I often call my lower abdomen cramping (which for almost my whole life would come for hours before a BM) stomach cramps, they're just debilitating, curl up and wince and bellow pain. But these were higher up, and actually in where I believe my stomach is. I just felt, mildly nauseated but more in pain, and they were worse if I tried to eat, so I stopped trying. Tuesday was the same, though later in the evening I reheated some pasta and scarfed it down. I've been feeling better since Wednesday, and making sure I eat everyday and as much as I can, since I lost about 4 lbs in the first part of the week. It hasn't gone back up again yet, but it stopped dropping.

Then I got the stomach cramps again today, around 4 and again around 5. I haven't tried to eat anything yet, but I really do just find them bewildering. They're also different from hunger pains, they're Are they side effects from the Colchicine? Or new symptoms?

So, the side effect I found myself quite concerned with from Colchicine is alcopecia, which is when your hair falls out. Whether it's genetic balding, odd periods of random spots of baldness, or drug/treatment/toxin related, and it refers to any hair growing on any part of your body.

I sometimes freak out about things a little hastily, so I've been trying to ignore a bunch of odd observations I've made and just operate around them. For instance, I've started noticing quite a few eyelashes on pillow and sheets in the morning. More then I ever have before. But I don't want to jump to conclusions and assume I'm going to lose my eyelashes and buy false ones in bulk from the Drag Queen Emporium (I only wish there was one of these btw).

But a few days ago, and more prominent today, I noticed a sort in the hair on the right valley of my widow's peak. It also has a great big zit. Awesome, right? I'll post a picture if I can figure out how.

Ok, I have a photo of the gap, and a photo of the other side of my head to compare.
Acne Gap:
Other Side:


Sorry this post has been so lengthy and perhaps ill-focused. Just to briefly cover the rest of my symptoms since I last posted:
very sore right hand and weak wrist and thumb, left hand weak last night as well. My ulcers are seemly slightly more painful, but I was able intimate... with my boyfriend last night for the first time in a month. I'm not sure how explicit to get on here, because I know children also get Behcet's and I don't want any information in here to be inappropriate should they find my blog, but at the same time, this doubles as a health journal. If anyone reading this has an opinion on this matter, please feel free to chime in now.

I will be posting specifically about the steps to find a new rheumy very soon, but I have to wait until January for my insurance coverage to kick in before I will be making any visits.

Have a good weekend, and do your best to stay calm during the holiday craziness, all anyone needs is a flare up at Christmas or Hanukkah.


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